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Commencing from 1 May, 2026, a pivotal regulatory change will render the installation of copper alloy plumbing products containing lead content exceeding 0.25% impermissible in plumbing systems designated for potable water. This transformative panel session addresses the implications, challenges, and solutions associated with this significant shift. The panel comprises experts from various sectors, including plumbing material manufacturing, plumbing supply distribution, government representation, and plumbing product installation.
This panel session aims to equip industry professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders with the knowledge, strategies, and insights needed to navigate Australia's transition to lead-free plumbing. The discussion will provide a clear understanding of the regulatory changes, challenges, and best practices, facilitating a smooth and successful adoption of lead-free plumbing materials in compliance with the new standards, ultimately ensuring the delivery of safe and high-quality drinking water systems across the nation.